Gunpla Build - High Grade Victory Two Gundam (Part 2)

You know what? This was such a simple build that I’m going to run through the rest of it in one post. Here we go.


The feet come in two pieces, so we get a nice toe bend:

And here is a better shot of them assembled:

Comparison with V1

They’re more different than I thought.

The V1’s feet are shorter and wider, while the V2’s are longer and skinnier. They have different ankle armor, and different patterns on the their soles. Just about the only thing they have in common are their colors, and I guess their general shape.


I don’t remember why, but for some reason I photographed the parts for the feet alongside the legs

I honestly don’t remember much about how this assembles, but just looking at these old photos, I don’t believe it’s significantly different than the V1. So, um, go read about how I built that, then come back here.

And I apologize for how blurry this photo is:

Comparison with V1

There are all sorts of minor tweaks to the shape of things, as well as to panel lines, but overall these are largely the same, with the V2’s shins painted blue instead of white:

I like how the V1’s leg is pure white, because it pairs well next to the (very color-heavy) torso. On the V2, however, the situation’s a bit different. Rather than the legs, it’s the lower torso that’s pure white; as a result, repainting the shins to be blue works out nicely. It’s the roughly the same “amount” of color, just moved around.

Side note - it’s interesting that on the back of the V1’s leg, we get an actual hole/gap, while on the V2 we don’t:

Lower Torso

There’s definitely some pieces missing in this photo. I really must have been exhausted/lazy during the holidays

The lower torso is a plain white. The only thing that saves it from being extremely boring is the bitchin’ thrusters in the back:

If this were a Master Grade, I bet they would move around.

Comparison with V1

The front skirts are similar enough in shape, but different in color:

The side skirts have different exterior shapes, but the same gooey center:

And of course the rear is entirely different:

In the aggregate, they’re more different than alike, but they feel more alike than different. I guess that’s because the front and side skirts have the same general shape.

Upper Torso

This is all that the torso itself encompasses, without the thrusters. It’s a pretty self explanatory assembly.

I do like how we get a nice bit of parts layering:

And there it is folks - the literal V (for Victory) embedded in its chest:

Now for the thrusters:

A couple of things here:

  • You get some decals underneath these blue parts:

    It’s weird to get this kind of decal on the inside of a thruster.

  • You can really see how this is built out of the back of the Core Fighter:

  • Here’s another bit of the Core Fighter, which gets tucked in between the thrusters:

  • Comparison with the V1

    I mean, they’re entirely different:

    Or are they? I detect some small but striking similarities from the front. Interesting …

    Not much going on here. I do love that perfect, ‘V’ shaped fin:

    Comparison with the V1

    In these shots, the V2’s head is on the left:

    Same general shape, same general look and feel, but there are notable differences. The V2 has more details in the back, and it has larger vulcan cannons.


    I’m pretty sure these go together in the same way as the V1’s.

    When I first built this last year, I did a messy job with those black vents on the shoulders. I’ve gone back since and tried to clean them up. They’re still not perfect, but the look relatively better.

    Comparison with V1

    Yes, the shoulders are entirely different, but the arms are pretty close, including the red beam shield emitters in the elbows.


    And with that, we have a finished model!

    Size Comparisons

    Let’s do a few quick size comparisons. Here it is next to another miniature mobile suit from another story:

    So I guess it is ever so slightly taller than the F91, which remains the king of mini mobile suits (I think).

    And here it is next to canonically tall suit:

    Just imagine being in one and facing off against the other in battle. I’d do a double take.

    Comparison with V1

    And now for the only comparison that really matters:

    I love these two mobile suits. I love them for different (and sometimes similar) reasons, and I couldn’t choose between them if I tried. I’m very happy to finally have them both on the shelf next to each other.

    Next Steps

    I said I’d cover the rest of the build in one post, but there’s at least two more posts left for the V2. Stay tuned.