Gunpla Build - Keeping the Streak Alive

Yikes! It’s been a while since my last post. There’s a good reason for that - I got some new gaming hardware recently, so I now have access to a whole bunch of games I didn’t previously have a chance to play. It’s eaten up most of my free time.

(Also, I’ve been extremely busy as of late, and haven’t had much energy at night to do anything more than plop myself on the couch and turn my brain off. That’s what the video games are for).

That being said, I still wanted to try and continue my streak of “one new model kit build a month”, so I went to the backlog and tried to find the easiest, simplest thing I could put together, something with a minimum of painting and detailing required.

I found the perfect match. The only problem now is that I don’t want to write any build posts about it. At least, not yet.

I have two versions of this particular mobile suit in the backlog. One is of the original suit as it appeared on TV, and the other is of a palette swapped version. My plan has always been to build the former before the latter, but I ended up doing the opposite. I’d still like to build the OG model before writing about either of them, if for no other reason than because it would feel weird to write about its history and technical details when building something that’s going to be in a different color.

All of which is to say that the build posts for the palette swapped model are on hold indefinitely. For now, the best I can do is show you a picture of final assembly, as proof that I actually built it:

That’s it for now!