Gunpla Build - High Grade Command Quan[T] (Part 3)


The backpack itself is a bit lame, but it’s the backpack attachments that are the main attraction.

One one side, we get a GN condenser repurposed into some sort of scope/radar:

(The clear yellow piece really looks great here)

On the other side, we get a missile launcher that looks like it is straight off the set of Commando:

(It is mounted on a swivel, so that it can at least aim left and right)

I cannot understate how much these two attachments do for the model. It already looks so much cooler.

This might be one of my favorite Gundam heads.

I love how it doesn’t so much have a red chin as it has a red mouth. I lso love whatever it is that is going on in between the V-fin. Are those guns? Scopes?

I love how the eyes look like they’re practically glowing, thanks to how dark it is in the back.

Also, is it just me, or are the eyes partially concealed? It looks like it has a permanent squint.

I think the head just oozes personality. It is by far the best part of the model.


There are four different lenses on the arms, two on each elbow. But only two of them are visible., (no) thanks to two of them being blocked:

What’s the point of having them if you can’t see them?

Another interesting observation - the arms are not symmetrical. The right arm has an extra green piece on the back, to make up for its lack of shield:

Once complete, the arm looks … fine:

I know I complained a lot about how the lower body was too colorful, but this feels like it isn’t colorful enough. It’s way too monochrome


Here is what the command Quan[T] looked like when I was finished:

It’s not what I was hoping for, nor was it my best work. After a few days I went back to it and tried to spruce it up a bit:

  • Some of the body parts were looking splotchy and discolored, so I applied a layer of olive oil to push out the moisture and create an even looking finish.
  • I used some weathering compound to add some shading to some of the more monochrome areas.
  • I scraped off the bit of excess red paint that spilled onto the face.
  • I added some extra panel lines and detailing.

I’m not going to say that the new result is dramatically different, but trust me when I say that the improvements look more noticeable in person:

I think that with the right lighting, and the right color for the background, there’s a chance to salvage this one. Stay tuned.