Gunpla Chronicles OVA 2 - Lower Body

Lower Torso

The lower torso is very long, almost skirt-like. It also has a bit of heft and bulk, particularly in the side skirts. I think this adds a lot to the look. The upper torso is quite a bit smaller in comparison, and when combined with a longer, wider lower half, it gives the Epyon a certain look, as if it is wearing not a skirt, but rather a long robe or cloak in order to conceal its true and raw anime power. Considering the show that this mobile suit comes from, that feels entirely appropriate.

Also, all the pieces feel secure and stable, which is a huge plus.


This is where the kit gets that much more ridiculous. When transformed, the feet of the Epyon become a pair of dragon heads. In order to sell the effect, the very bottom of each foot opens up like a mouth, complete with sharp, menacing teeth. What’s more, the green decals wedged into each foot becomes the dragon’s eyes. I guess if you’re going to go down this route, you ought to go big or go home.

Two two green decals will be the ‘eyes’ of the dragon heads when transformed


The legs of the Epyon are symbolic of the differences between a Master Grade and a High Grade kit. For example, on the majority of the HG kits I’ve built, each leg is made of an upper and lower section, each of which is enclosed by two pieces of armor.

The legs of the Epyon are made out of four segmented sections, making for eight pieces of armor. On top of that are several additional pieces that provide extra flourishes. This leads to a significantly greater amount of parts separation and three dimensional depth. It’s really all quite extraordinary when fully assembled.

However, many of the armor are exactly the same shape, but different sizes. When applying decals or attaching them to the frame, care has to be taken not to get them mixed up. While the end results are impressive, the build process is tricky, tedious, and all around not very fun.


At this point the model is not finished, but can stand on two feet.

It’s missing a certain something without its massive wings, but it still feels … meatier than the Proto Zero felt without its thrusters. I’ll save a more detailed analysis of the build for when everything is finished.

Other Observations

  • I had quite good luck with clear coating these pieces. Perhaps it is because I did so on an unusually warm day in the bright sun. Maybe there is something to this idea of the weather affecting the finish.